Posts Tagged ‘Guitar Hero Metallica


Guitar Hero Metallica (x360)

Well its been a long time for us here in the UK. We all know you lot in America have had the GH metallica experience since march. And eventually a couple of weeks ago We got our hands on our copy 🙂 and i gotta say it was worth the wait!

As with all guitar hero games you have the chance to play songs with a plastic guitar with 5 colour buttons. Since world tour there have been the other band instruments introduced and metallica had the nice introduction of the 2nd kick pedal.  Making Lars’s drumming even more authentic.This coupled with Expert + mode you defiantly have the metallica drummer down to a tee. If you can keep up of corse.

Now GH metallica has all the things that world tur had. The band play, band Vs band, option to play solo careers on each instrument. Also character creation and the recording studio. So metallica doesn’t really bring anything new, except a couple of little things that really adds to the experience.

gh met rev 1

Star Meter – We all know Rock band had this since day one but now GH metallica has introduced it to Neversoft’s musical baby. The star meter will go up as you play the song as long as you hit a good majority of the notes. This is a great way pf showing ho you are progressing through the song and personally something that neversoft should of added sooner.

The Gigs system from world tour has gone which i think is good because the song system GH 3 had worked well, and if its not broken don’t fix it! So th song lists are back, but instead of completing songs to unlock new songs and arenas you have to get the right amount of stars. Meaning if you have to get a certain amount of stars from each song to progress, which i think is a really good idea because it gives the replay value of songs a bit more of a purpose. Buts if your a metallica fan such as me then there is no problem when it comes to re playing songs.

The track list is really good for a band based game. Of course they have the true metallica gems are in there such as one, for whom the bell tolls, master of puppets, battery etc. But they also have a great list of songs fr other bands too. Such as ace of spade by motor head, the boys are back in town by tin lizzy and stone cold crazy by queen. Amongst a whole host of others.

gh met rev 2

The graphics in this game are up t world tour standard and the band themselves look awesome. Neversoft have really caught the whole feel an atmosphere of the band. The motion capture of the band is awesome and they really have got this game down to a tee aesthetically. One thing i have got to say though is the lead singer James hetfeild looks a little bit like a disgruntled turtle. Oh and with two specail guests appearing in th game they look up to scratch too.

So all in all GH metallica definatly hits the mark with ans such as myself. For non metallica fans i think the expert + mode and the new game format will give you enough variety to enjoy this game.



Over The Final Hurdle

As of today i have officially finished my uni corse. All my work was handed in around midday today and now i am free to game to my hearts content (well at least for about a month before i get a stinking job)

So now im back on the blogging circuit what is in store?

Guitar Hero Metallica Review!

Its finally out this friday in the UK (took its time or what) and i have been saving for it. My most anticipated game yet this year and i will be reviewing what it is like to get into the shoes of one of the greatest metal bands (in my opinion)

Tales of vasperia demo review.

yeah i played it. See what i think soon.

Halo Wars Review

Should be getting my hands on a copy for a few weeks so best thing to do with it other than play it? Review it!

and some other stuff that i havn’t mensioned. Plus xp will be thriving again now that the saga of uni work is finally over.

Speaking of which. Just a heads up! Plus xp will be expanding ever so slightly. We will be catering for you loverly PS3 owners out there. Yep thats right. Leon (the lucky EXPLETIVE DELETED) got his greasy mitts on a PS3. I’ll let him fill in the details as and when he wants to post :p

So i’m sure you lot will be hearing alot more from me and Leon from now on 🙂

God knows where Marathis is gone though :S



The Wish List…(with release dates for up and coming games)

So we are now approaching summer and Q2 2009. With 3 quarters of this year still to come we are gonna have some great games. So if money was no subject (shame it is really.) These would be the games i would be getting. I present to you my wish list!


Ninja Blade: As i am a hack and slash nut this one will come to no surprise. After playing the demo. I was quite impressed with it. I was initially thinking it was gonna be a ninja Gaiden knock off but i was pleasantly surprised. The use of weapons, quick time events and platforming did impress me.

Gears Of War 1 and 2: I was a fool. I had gears of war 1 once it was amazing but i got rid of it so i could get y greasy mitts on another game, which i cant remember off the top of my head. Everyone is playing Horde made on GOW 2 and GOW 2 does look amazing. 3rd person shooter aren’t really my thing but GOW does them justice!

Left 4 Dead: Just for on-line really. One of those game i would rather ind in a bargin bin somewhere so i can play my mates on live with it. Played it once, thought it was a good game for what it was, but i can assure you i want be buying i for the single player experience

Fear 1 and 2: This may sound peculiar to some of you but my Girlfriend likes watching me play games. We both went though bioshock together. And now we have both seen odds and ends of FEAR we want to put the 2 games trough their paces. Dont you jut love relationships 🙂

COMING OUT THIS YEAR: (this is where the good bit is :p)

Guitar Hero Metallica 29/05/2009 : It still annoys me that a load of Americans are playing this game right now probably as i type seeing as they got it in march. But us EU fans are still twiddeling our thumbs for this gem of a game. We have already had a taste when we downloaded the GH metallica demo. But i want more. Me being an avid metallica and GH fan this is the music game of my dreams so far, a host of great metallica songs coupled with the option t play as the band makes me happy

Prototype 12/06/2009 : I love GTA, Zombies are great too. super powers are awesome and generally causing destruction around the city of new york is my cup of tea. When i first heard of prototype i was a bit sceptical. But as i have been looking at news and videos my expectations of the game have grown. the ability to mould Alex how you ant him looks great. I really cannot wait for this one.

Batman: Arkham Asylum 19/06/2009 : As far as comic book games go. None have really stood out to me. I was a tad excited about spider man web of shadows but that didn’t last long. So what is Arkham Asylum different? Well for me it how grimy, dark and deliciously evil it looks. It also has the joker. This game is definitely targeted at an older audience just highlighting the fact that batman isn’t just for kids. I have high hopes, reminds me a little of manhunt so should be fun.

Tales of Vesperia 03/07/2009 : One of the few games i enjoyed on the Game cube was tales of symphonia. Ok i didn’t play the game all th way through but when i did play it on coop round my mates house i was impressed. The 360 is still in need of a decent long RPG. Granted fable was good i wont knock that but we need a game with a party and 50 hours of game play. :p Blue dragon got boring after a while. So why is TOV on my wanted list? well if its anything like the cube game i will be plenty happy!

Wolfenstien 28/08/2009 : Yay! was my first reaction when the classic wolfenstien series was announced a come back to the 360. First FPS I played. Surprisingly enjoyed the return to castle wolfenstien on the original Xbox so i have high hopes for this game. It will be lik horde mode on call of duty WAW but better seeing as its got a whole game around it. Even thinking about the game makes me happy.

Halo 3 – ODST 25/09/2009 : Me being a huge Halo 3 nut! (Even my xbox ix covered in cammo Green with halo scrawled on it) This is one of my must haves of the year. Its pitting you against he covernant as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (ODST) so you wont have your spartan armour. This is going to be a great game because it will focus’s more on survival and tactics. Cannot wait! And with new multi player to the halo 3 universe i think i may explode with excitement!

Bayonetta 25/09/2009 : Still a little sceptical. A game by sega and one of the brains behind devil may cry. Another hack and slash where you play as a witch who has magic hair and looks like a secretary combined with a dominatrix. Add some stilettos with gun attachments and nakedness when you perform uber attacks and you have a game…Will it flop? Will it be a pervs paradise? or will it be a greatly challenging and compelling game. Well one way to find out. Gonna have to wait though.

Bisoshock 2 30/10/2009 : Well if you haven’t been reading this blog let me point you here, here and here. Bioshock, one of the best FPS games ever made In my opinion and i greet the sequel with open arms. Playing as a big daddy 10 years after the events of bioshock 1? yes please 🙂

Max Payne 3 30/10/2009 : When this was announced I jumped for joy, The first gaming series to use bullet time and its coming back for this generation. I am stoked another 3rd person shooter game that does the genre justice. Great story and great game play from the firs 2 games lets see hat the 3rd installment has to offer.


Final Fantasy XIII : A must have RPG for any RPG fan out there with new improvements to game play and it being a part of square enix’s greatest RPG franchise. I simply cannot wait. As i aid before the 360 needs a good RPG

Dante’s Inferno : Hack ad slash, 7 circles of hell and a great poem i think  make a good game. From one of the makers of God Of War i am remaining positive that this game will be good. Take a look!

Well hopefully that’s given you a glimpse of whats to come. The release dates are subject to change and are a rough estimation.

Now i need cash and a job.


